Saturday, October 8, 2011

....and other readings.

Ms. Elkins LOVES to read to her Firsties! I especially love it when they get so into a story that they laugh and clap when the chapter's over!! The Fudgie series always seem to be a BIG HIT and this year is no exception!

I have been reading the book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. It's a story about a Fourth Grader named Peter who lives in New York City with his mom, dad, little brother (Fudge), and his pet turtle (Dribble), Fudge gets in so much mischief!!! We just can't believe all the trouble Fudge gets himself into! Here is the Wikipedia info on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

...and here's some info about the author, Judy Blume

There are 4 books in the Fudgie series: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, SuperFudge, Fudge-a-Mania, and Double Fudge. We just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Next up-----SUPER FUDGE!!!! :)


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